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What got you interested in art and how long have you been creating it?


I have been drawing ever since the age of 4 and drew scenes from favorite TV shows and movies. I got excited whenever I saw a cartoon animation on a screen.


At age 12, my brother showed me how to shoot a stop action video as well as showing me how to piece images into a movie making application.  Ever since then, I've been drawing and practicing timing and character motion.


Who has been your biggest inspirations in art?


Throughout my life, my mother supported my creative bent, whether it was paper crafts or finger-paint murals.  She kept pushing me to do better and try new things.


Another great inspiration has been Barry Stebbing (  I could only draw scribbles as a child but Mr. Stebbing had a method of bringing joy even in stick figure art.  This lunged me further into art classes.


In high school, I had Karla Hall for an art teacher.  She helped me learn proportion and other essential elements to art.  Coupled with my interest in making stop action movies, I started thinking about pursuing some sort of career in 3D and Animation.


After graduating high school and then taking art courses at a local college, I was looking for someone who was doing the sort of things I was interested in.  Not long after I stumbled upon drawing and 2D animation tutorials of YouTube artist, Josiah Brooks (Draw With Jazza).  It was encouraging to see the day-to-day struggles of an artist as well as the great inspirations that occurred as a result.


How did you know to become a professional artist if you became one?


I am not a professional artist per say.  There are still many different areas I could improve my drawing skills in.  I’m finding character emotion and dynamics rather exciting and am currently taking the Character Animation track at Animation Mentor.  At some point, I am looking to eventually collaborate with a team on animated film projects.


Do you think going to art school is a good idea for a beginner artist?


I would strongly recommend taking any sort of art class (not necessarily “art school”) in your field of interest as a beginner.  Yes, you can learn on your own but other artists have so much to offer such as their artistic input, life experiences, and comradery.


Why did you pick the art style you picked?


I am still an amateur with my art and haven’t fully developed a style per say.  However, I have been playing with the idea of opposite styles coming together such as cartoon and realism.  I’ve also studied artists who incorporate certain realistic elements in their cartoon characters.


If you were to pick a second art style what would it be?


If I had to pick an alternate art style I would say Bruce Timm’s.  His characters have a wonderful element of elegance and charm to them and I would love to emulate that.


How long did it take you to get to the level you are at with your art?


I’ve been practicing drawing and sketching for 15-16 years and animation for 5 years.


Any inspirational words to the beginner artists wanting to start in the art world?


Be patient, it takes time to learn and improve art.  If you’re just drawing stick figures now, draw the best stick figures you can and enjoy the life out of it.  No matter the skill level, art is tapping into the human soul or as my old teacher Barry Stebbing would say, “touch[ing] the heart of mankind.”




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